Trying to get a cute picture of a 3 1/2 year old and 18 month old
together is viritually impossible! You should see the skeptical of me, digital camara in hand, yelling their names and trying to get them to sit still. It's seriously comical.

This is the best I can do. Can you tell they are watching tv? Dora I believe...

Wil got his first official haircut Monday night...thus the reason I busted out the camara. He looks like a little man now! I was happy they got him to sit long enough to give him a good haircut but a little sad at the end too 'cause now he looks so grown up!! I'm
so in love with this little guy!

Mesmerized by Dora. Kinda sad but what can I say? Maddie loves Dora and Wil is starting to follow in her footsteps...

They finally pooped me out. When Dora was over, we were off to bed.
Way to go Jenny! Awesome start! I LOVE Wil's haircut, you're right he looks like such the little MAN!!!! I can't wait to add you to my 'friends' list...!
Don't knock the Dora program. It comes in handy when you need them to be occupied! The pictures are adorable but don't yell at my niece and nephew. They are cute even though they don't look straight in the camera! hehehe
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