Today was my day off and this morning, as I was putting in a load of wash, I heard Maddie asking William, in her adorable Maddie voice, if he wanted to read stories. A few minutes later when I situated my laundry, I peeked into William's room and this is what I found...

The two were sitting together in the rocking chair and Maddie was truly "reading" him the stories! It was the cutest site ever. They play so nicely together now and Maddie is so darn sweet to her little brother. I love it.

Most of the books Maddie knows by heart because we've read them so many times over and over and now Wil is enjoying them too.

She even reads with animation. She must have learned her skills from me!
That is adorable! Maddie is such a good big sister. Enjoy that while it lasts!
Wil looks a little bit like Uncle Michael!
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