Sunday afternoon we headed out to the Big A for the last Angels game of the season (playoffs start this week). Mike had been in Las Vegas for work since Thursday so it was great to have him home (we missed him!) and it was a fun way to spend the afternoon with the family.

One of Mike's co-workers was hosting a suite that day and we peaked our heads in to say hello... and ended up watching the whole game there. It was nice for the kids to have the space to romp around a bit more.

They have a great time when we sit in the regular seats too... these pictures are from a Friday night game we went too earlier in the season.

We are big Angels fans (how can I not be married to Mike?) and it's been fun to bring the kids to the games with us. We were a little hesistant at first but they had a blast and didn't completely tire us out. We are getting them trained to be fans early!
DUDE that sounds like a LOT of work! You are very brave indeed... as I suspected! Go DODGERS!!!
Two kids at a ballpark? I can't believe you had the time to watch any of the game! At least you have a team that's going to the playoffs! Cute pictures.....
No Angels/Twin rivalry in your household? Jon would be very disappointed, Jenny, that your not a Twins fan. You stole one of our best from us! Love looking at the pictures!
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