Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First Swim

We spent last weekend in Phoenix and although we were there for Myra's Memorial, we had a nice family weekend. Mikos had been in Texas all week for work so it was great to see him when he flew in to meet us Friday. The kids loved staying in the hotel and getting their first swim in of the year. We spent all day Friday afternoon swimming. The sun was shining and it felt wonderful to just relax by the pool.

Fat Tuesday

This is a bit out of order but I just uploaded my photos from my new iphone Mikos got me for Valentine's Day! The kids and I went to the Pancake dinner and races at church on Fat Tuesday. Mikos was out of town for work. The kids loved the races and face painting. Maddie and Miss Minnie, the Childrens Ministry Coordinator at our church.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Super Dad

Mike pulled a bit of a super dad this week. He was in Las Vegas all week for the Heineken convention (I know, boo-hoo), flew in Friday early afternoon and headed straight into an all-nighter, lock-in at the Science Museum with Maddie and their Indian Princess tribe. A night on an air mattress after a week in Vegas does not do a father good the next morning (believe me, I paid the price on Saturday) but Maddie was so looking forward to the event and had so much fun! She will remember these times with her Dad forever. I am sure of it and that is so cool.

Fun, fun!

Oh where oh where has March gone? I guess the pattern is settling in that I take a bit of a blog hiatus about this time of year. Not sure why. Maybe overload from Christmas and kids birthdays? Or maybe life just gets busy and I feel like it. :)
We had such fun babysitting baby Lucas last Thursday night. Sonja and Russell went to see "Wicked" and we got to play with the little man all evening long. It was such fun. Maddie and William LOVED having him over and I did too. Mike was out of town so I was flying solo and man, did those kiddos have me on my toes all night! Busy, busy. Fun, fun.