Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I've given in!

Ok... so I've given in! I'm going to try this whole "blogging" thing out and see how it goes. As you all know, I do not claim to be technically saavy in any way but I've had such a great time following the blogs of several of my best friends (Sarah, Kama, Lizzie and Erin) and they swear it's the easiest thing ever. They tell me if they can do it, I can too and they have been my inspiration to get on board and try it out! I hope for this to be a way for family and friends from near and far to be able to feel more in touch with our everyday life and happenings and for it to be a family record of memories that my sweet little babies can look back on when they grow up. So here goes nothing...


Auntie Amy said...

Hey little sister. I will be marking this site as a favorite! I look forward to reading about the happenings at the Ciriza household! My niece and nephew are the cutest! Good luck and keep up the blogging.

Kerie Dinehart said...

Jenny, this is so great, keep the pics and updates coming!