Monday, January 26, 2015

Ringing in the New Year! Welcome 2015!

New Years Eve was a little different for us this year. Grandpa was just getting home from the hospital and was busy recuperating from his surgery. Grandma was busy nursing him back to health. In the past we've spent NYE at Larry and Helen's house but we decided to mix things up a bit and celebrate at OUR home. It was a relaxing evening for the parents and good fun for the kids. Sonja, Russ and the boys joined us and we invited our good friends the Shortalls to come over and really make it a party! We ate lots of yummy food, enjoyed some delicious beverages and chatted the night away. It was exactly how I wanted to ring in the New Year. 
 Dan, William and Maddox playing a little chess. 
Our friends- Triplets! How cool is that? 
They are in the same grade as Maddie, 4th grade, almost 10.
 Maddox, Mason, William (back row)
Meredith and Maddie (front row)
 Mikos barely hanging in there after a long day at work.
 Meredith, Maddie and Grumpy Cat.
And this is what we did New Years Day, January 1, 2015! I helped Maddie "stitch" and "stuff" this doll. It took ALL day which went along perfectly with staying in our pj's ALL day long. Perfect day. 

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