Mike and I went to a Halloween party Saturday night. It was a pretty elaborate party way out in Temecula. The house was totally decorated and everyone came decked out. Mike rented us costumes which I appreciated because creativity in this realm has never been my strong point. He was Ceasar and I was Aphrodite. Lynda did my makeup and had the perfect jewerly to go with my costume.

I never think I like Halloween or dressing up but I think I'm coming to grips with the fact that I do! It was fun caking on the makup and braiding my hair. The kids stayed overnight at Grandma and Grandpa's and we picked them up in the morning. Maddie loved looking at these pictures. She liked the one with all the smoke. She asked me if the "smoke smelled".

Maddie said of this picture, "look at Dad being silly." I love it. Stay tuned for pictures of the kids coming up...
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