Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Long Beach Grand Prix

We were lucky to be given tickets to the Long Beach Grand Prix again this year from one of Mike's suppliers Tecate and once again, it was a super fun Saturday afternoon! We enjoyed some lunch, drinks and goodies at the Tecate hospitality tent and headed over to our seats in the stands to take in some of the racing. It was hot, loud, and crowded but we tried to keep our ear plugs in and had fun just taking it all in and watching the zooming cars.
After being in the hot sun for awhile, we found refuge in the cool arena where the "Kid Zone" was. Maddie remembered this part of the event from last year and couldn't wait to purchase tickets to jump in the bouncers. This year, they had an enormous rock climbing wall for kids that was actually free. Maddie was all over it. She is SUCH a great climber. It was amazing. She climbed all the way to the top. I couldn't believe it. She was such a pro thanks to Indian Princess and maybe Pump-it-up birthday party practice. Fun, fun.

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