Thursday, April 28, 2011
Spring Sing
William performed with this Preschool classmates in chapel singing the cutest songs ever. The pictures never turn out very good or give it justice but I had to post a few. There is nothing sweeter than watching my little guy singing and clapping and singing praises to Jesus. 

Palm Sunday
Every year, our church has an Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday. We weren't able to attend last year because we were in Palm Springs with Grandma Jeanne and Papa Mick which was awesome BUT we were happy to be able to attend this year! We headed over to the park after church and enjoyed burgers from the In-and-Out truck and lots of egg gathering. It was the start to our Easter celebrating...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Long Beach Grand Prix
We were lucky to be given tickets to the Long Beach Grand Prix again this year from one of Mike's suppliers Tecate and once again, it was a super fun Saturday afternoon! We enjoyed some lunch, drinks and goodies at the Tecate hospitality tent and headed over to our seats in the stands to take in some of the racing. It was hot, loud, and crowded but we tried to keep our ear plugs in and had fun just taking it all in and watching the zooming cars. After being in the hot sun for awhile, we found refuge in the cool arena where the "Kid Zone" was. Maddie remembered this part of the event from last year and couldn't wait to purchase tickets to jump in the bouncers. This year, they had an enormous rock climbing wall for kids that was actually free. Maddie was all over it. She is SUCH a great climber. It was amazing. She climbed all the way to the top. I couldn't believe it. She was such a pro thanks to Indian Princess and maybe Pump-it-up birthday party practice. Fun, fun.
Dad's Birthday
Mikos turned 38 on Sunday, April 10. We celebrated at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was a beautiful day. Grandpa BBQ'd the most delicious ribs, Grandma made potato salad, I made one of my special salads and Sonja made the birthday cake!!
I bought Dad an ice cream cake too (as seen above) not knowing Sonja was baking one of her specialties. I wish I would have taken a picture of the cake she baked him. It was so pretty- chocolate with raspberries on top- and it was one of the yummiest cakes ever.

Hello again!
I don't know what the deal is this year but I am having a hard time keeping up with my blogging. I'm not off to a very good start but it's only the end of April so I think I have plenty of time to catch up and make up! SO, here goes.
We signed William up for a five week basketball clinic... a few weeks back... and he LOVES it! It's Saturday mornings from 9-10 at the community center right down the street. These are pics of his first day. He was so excited. Mike had gotten him a Lakers jersey and Kobe Nike's for his birthday so he could not wait to get geared up and play!

Of course after his first day, Dad and Wil were off to Dicks to get a new, bigger basketball hoop for practice at home. The Little Tykes hoop just won't cut it anymore. It's the cutest thing to hear Wil out in the garage shooting hoops by himself and narrating who is winning and losing.
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