Today was a very big day for us! It was the first day of Preschool for William and the first day of Kindergarden for Maddie. I can hardly believe that my babies are growing up so fast. For whatever reason, I'm feeling at a loss for words right now. I can tell you that I was a little emotional dropping the kids off this morning and SO excited to go pick them up at 3:00. I started my new schedule with work as well. Lots of changes in the Ciriza household. Good changes. Exciting changes. A new chapter in our lives. I'm so excited for all of the fun things they are going to do at school and all of the new things they are going to learn. I think it's going to be very good. Maddie said she "absolutely loved kindergarden" and William jumped into Preschool like a pro. He didn't even blink an eye when Mike and I gave him hugs and kisses and left him with all the children. We'll see how tomorrow goes.... :)
OHMYGOODNESS! I can't believe both your kids are in school! Unbelievable. :)
Wow, Jenny! Big day! Isn't it time for you to quit working now that the kids are in school.
Tell Maddie and William that we are thinking of them out in the big old world. Lizzie
Ha in the first one it looks like Wil's got a briefcase. So great.
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