I decided to take the day off today. With the kids starting school next week, I'm feeling very...I don't know...emotional about it all and I just wanted to spend the day with them. We had a busy day. We went to a make-up swim lesson in the morning, went to get Maddie's hair cut at Rainbow Kids, and than to Norma's house to bring her the baby gift we got her. After visiting for awhile and holding baby Richard, we headed to "Pretend City" in Irvine. This place was awesome and a ton of fun for Maddie and William. They have all these mini sized places in a city... Post Office, Gas Station, Grocery Store, Doctors Office, Farm, Fire Station, and more. It's all interactive play and they loved it.

Maddie loved the stage! When I asked her what her favorite thing was, she said dressing up and performing on stage. She's not dressed up in this photo but she had a sweet getup on a bit later.

The Farm was a pretty big hit too. It was super cute. They had a ton of fruits and vegetables and the kids got to dig in the pretend dirt and plant things.

The Grocery Store was a favorite as well...

Maddie, the Postal worker...

And of course William loved playing with the trucks. We'll definitely be making a trip back to Pretend City. It was a hit. I had to drag the kids out. I was exhausted!