We spent Easter weekend out in Palm Desert at the Marriott resort where Grandma Jeanne and Papa Mick have a timeshare. Autie Amy and our cousin Andrew came out too and we had a blast! I was bummed when my camara broke down shortly into the weekend. Papa Mick has the rest of our Easter pics in his camara and Lord knows when I'll see those!

We played a fun game of Pretty, Pretty Princess. As you can see, Auntie Amy won. Maddie thought she was pretty silly wearing all her jewels and the crown. She really loved that we all played... well at least all the

I picked up these new sunglasses for Maddie on a quick run to Target. Maddie thought she looked pretty glamorous. We'd been swimming in the pool all afternoon so her hair was down. When I came back with these sunglasses, she asked me if I could braid her hair so she'd look beautiful. Too funny.

Andrew was the nicest cousin ever and played lots of soccer with the kids on the grassy lawn right outside our patio. It was too cute. William is like the energizer bunny rabbit. He can run for hours.

Andrew graduates from High School this spring and it was so great to see him and get to spend time with him. Maddie and Wil loved playing with him too!
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