I don't know why I feel the need to explain myself every time I post... but I do. Life is busy and I'm trying to stay as committed to this blog as I can. Ok. There. I said my peace. Although I have way more pictures of our trip to Minnesota to post and a couple fun ones from our time at the Circus, I've got to just jump right in to recent events. The summer seemed to fly by and we ended it with a fun weekend in Santa Barbara with our good friends the Kuo's. Our weekend consisted of beautiful warm weather, swimming in the resort pool, a two-hour surrey adventure, eating at yummy restaurant's (Sly's, Wine Cask and of course, Mesa Cafe...not once, but twice), and a lot of "geocaching". It was so nice. I think the Kuo's are officially hooked on geocaching now. Roger is a natural. I think our grand total for the trip was 6. We went 6 for 6...no signs of mugglers which was a rarity for Team G Finders. The kids had a great time and they were so good. Great at dinner, great with their friends, very little referring which was awesome for us, and just plain fun. The Kuo's are such a great family and have become good, good friends of ours. Jordyn and Maddie met in Preschool. Jordyn was one of Maddie's first friends.

We all fit on this ONE Surrey if you can believe it! |
Don't fool yourself. The Dad's enjoy geocaching just as much, if not MORE than the kids. |
East Beach |
Mikos and his boy |
I think Maddie is goooorgeous in this picture. :) |
This one too...sorry, can't help myself. :) |
My honey. |
Hopeful future grads. |
The rock outside of the library. Remember that rock? |