Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Campout

Mikos and Maddie had their Indian Princess Fall Campout this past weekend. They headed up to the Yucaipa campsite straight after Maddie got home from school. After having to set up their new tent in the dark, Mike said he'd be sure to leave a little earlier next year. Despite the hectic start, they had a GREAT weekend. Maddie's best friend Jordyn is in her tribe this year and it looks like they had such fun together. When I asked Maddie what her favorite part of the weekend was, she said, "Getting to hang out with Daddy." That is truly what it is all about.


Erin Welch Hunt said...

Looks like you upgraded from the teeny tiny tent of Indian Princess trips past. Looks fun! :)

L SHUK UP said...

Ha! I was just going to post that it looks like Mikos sprung for the bigger tent. Great minds...