Saturday, June 19, 2010

Birthday Rumpus

What a day! We spent the afternoon jumping and running and playing at Fallon and Fletcher's 3rd birthday party. Maddie and William had been waiting for this party since we got the invitation and it sure was WILD...just like the invitation promised! We had a great time. We loved getting to see not only F & F but Lucy, Henry, and Nola too. The kids had a blast. How could they not with all the running, screaming, playing, cupcakes, sodas, popsicles, pinata candy and more cupcakes! It was a great party. Thanks Sarah and Tony. Man... we sure wished you lived closer 'cause we'd love to party with you guys way more! Happy Birthday F & F!


Erin Welch Hunt said...

Ohmygosh! I can't believe how fast you got these photos up! You are awesome. We had so much fun with you all today. . .as always, can't wait until next time!

Sprincely said...

I believe you did a better job documenting our party than I did. GREAT PICS Jenny! LOVED hanging with you!