Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Long Beach Grand Prix

Saturday morning we headed down to the Long Beach Grand Prix. It was the first time we'd been and it was AWESOME! It was a Tecate sponsored event and Mike was fortunate enough to be given tickets from his Rep for us all to enjoy (Sarah- I thought of you!). It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun. The kids loved it. We ate some delicious food at the Tecate hospitality tent and landed some sweet Tecate gear that Maddie loved modeling for us. We than headed over to the Grand Stands to enjoy some of the races. It was so cool. The cars were super fast and super loud and we made sure to wear our earplugs.

After watching the race cars zip through the streets, we walked through the Exhibit on our way back to the car. That ended up being really fun too. There were all sorts of race cars the kids got to check out and sit in and there was just a bunch of cool stuff to look at. We also hit up the kid zone where Maddie and Wil got to jump in some overpriced jumpers. It was a great day. Being outside all day really wore us all out! Hopefully this will be something we can go to again next year. It was pretty cool and for William who LOVES cars, it was a big hit.

1 comment:

Sprincely said...

DOH! Thanks for the shout out. When did Tecate become my beer I don't even know but you're totally right. :) What a fun day and great pics! I'm sure Wil was in awe of all the awesome car stuff- no boy can withstand the power of the real life sized matchbox speedracer!