Saturday morning we headed down to the Long Beach Grand Prix. It was the first time we'd been and it was AWESOME! It was a Tecate sponsored event and Mike was fortunate enough to be given tickets from his Rep for us all to enjoy (Sarah- I thought of you!). It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun. The kids loved it. We ate some delicious food at the Tecate hospitality tent and landed some sweet Tecate gear that Maddie loved modeling for us. We than headed over to the Grand Stands to enjoy some of the races. It was so cool. The cars were super fast and super loud and we made sure to wear our earplugs.
After watching the race cars zip through the streets, we walked through the Exhibit on our way back to the car. That ended up being really fun too. There were all sorts of race cars the kids got to check out and sit in and there was just a bunch of cool stuff to look at. We also hit up the kid zone where Maddie and Wil got to jump in some overpriced jumpers. It was a great day. Being outside all day really wore us all out! Hopefully this will be something we can go to again next year. It was pretty cool and for William who LOVES cars, it was a big hit.
What an awesome Dad we have! He got the itch to finish up our play area in the backyard and filled our sandbox with lots and lots of sand! We just love it. The only rule dad says is that we need to try and keep the sand in the sandbox. Little did Mom know what a mess a sandbox can be! Even though we're pretty neat with the sand, it seems to stick to everything and end up in the house anyway. Oh well! Mom says when the new carpet comes (which is soon because she's got samples all over the house)... things are going to change. We'll see...
Easter Sunday is always so much fun! The Easter bunny visited our house the night before and left candy filled easter eggs all over the living room. He even left eggs all over our front yard! William was up at the crack for some reason and we had to have him wake up Maddie so she didn't miss out on the fun. Needless to say, Maddie and Wil had a breakfast of jellybeans and chocolate eggs. We had all we could do to get everyone dressed in their Easter best to make it to church at 9:30.
After church, we went over to Grandma's house for dinner. Grandpa cooked up a delicious meal and we gave a toast to Grandmacita who was away on her annual trip to the Holy Land.
The Thursday before Easter weekend we decided to cancel our weekly swimming lessons so that we could attend the Easter breakfast and egg hunt at Maddie's preschool. I was reluctant because it's such a pain to reschedule swim lessons but in the end, I was so glad we did because both Maddie and William had a fantastic time. It was so cute to see William in a classroom setting with all the other kids. He is so excited to go to preschool next fall. The kids gobbled up a traditional breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast with jam. The egg hunt was soon to follow! It was so cute to see the kids running all over the playground in search of hidden eggs. It was a great way to kick off the Easter festivities to follow!
Mikos started a NEW JOB this past week. His first official day was last Monday March 29 but the week earlier he went in to the office for his first unofficial day. Logistics, logistics... but I snapped this photo on his first "unofficial" day with Classic Distributing!
We spent a couple of weekends visiting Grandma Jeanne and Papa Mick in La Quinta last month. They rented a great place with a beautiful view and nice pool. William and Maddie really enjoyed getting to see them and loved swimming in the pool. William especially loved the "hot pool"... The woman my parents rented the condo from was kind enough to let us play with the fun little firetruck she had in the garage. William had fun cleaning it as well. Grandma Jeanne and Papa Mick drove back to Minnesota this week. We miss them already and can't wait to see them in July!