We are wrapping up a very fun and busy weekend. It started with a Friday night Ducks game... just Mikos, me and the kids. It was an action packed game and the kids had fun watching all the excitement. We had great seats...just 3 rows up from the rink. At times, when the players were plummeting eachother with their fists, I wondered if hockey was really an appropriate family outing for the young ones. I forgot how violent hockey can be! 
The kids didn't seem to mind at all. They were enjoying their chicken stars and fries from Carlos Jr. and the red vines dad picked up were perfect for keeping William in his seat and occupied.

We actually got to stay a couple of hours and ended up leaving after the second period which we didn't think was that bad. The kids had fun and were pretty beat by the time we got home. It was after 10:00pm when they finally got to bed and Wil slept until 9:15 Saturday morning. It was a nice start to the weekend.
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