Halloween was SUCH FUN this year! Here is my little Monkey and Poodle. Aren't they the cutest things ever? I felt a little bad though because as adorable as these costumes were, the kids were sweltering in them! They both run hot anyway so these did not help at all. Something I'll keep in mind next year.

Maddie could hardly wait to get her costume on and go trick-or-treating. As soon as the sun started to go down, she was asking if it was time yet. The whole family was there to enjoy the night. Mike's parents and sister and my mom and sister were all there.

When people asked Maddie what she was going to be for Halloween she would tell them she was going to be a "ploodle".

I wasn't sure how William was going to do with the trick-or-treating but I don't know why I worried. He learned the hang of it from his big sister Maddie and before long, he was running up the front walkways and boldly knocking on the door with his little fist. It was too cute.

Oh and of course, he loved the treats! At first, he instantly wanted to eat the candy when it was tossed into his pumpkin but eventually he got into the running and knocking.

When we got home, they dumped their pumpkins out on the floor and dug in! It really was a great Halloween. I can't wait for next year! William should be saying trick-or-treat by than and I'm sure he'll have an opinion on his costume too. Maddie is already on to the next holiday. She told me tonight as a I tucked her in, "After Halloween is Thanksgiving." Ahhh...I think the holidays are officially here!
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