It was the start of Soccer Season in our household this weekend. Both Maddie AND William are playing this fall and first games were Saturday. Luckily, the times did not coincide so we didn't miss a beat. Maddie is on an awesome U8 team called the Green Glowsticks. They are a great group of girls, parents and coaches. They had an exciting and super fun first game winning 4-3 over the Blue Tidalwaves! You should have seen me jumping and cheering! Maddie is really getting good and Defense seems to be her specialty. Nothing gets past her and she can sure set up a play!
William is on a great team as well. He is playing his first season ever on the clinic team the Golden Eagles (of which I am the "Team Coordinator" for). It was SO much fun to see him out there running all over the field after that ball. He definitely has the natural athletic abilities needed for soccer- aggression, endurance and a BIG kick!! Mike and I had SO much fun watching them and Grandmacita and Papa were there for both games too. Despite the HOT, humid day, it was such fun.
Celebrating a goal! |