Monday, May 17, 2010
Mother's Day
Spring Performance
Maddie had her spring performance in Chapel on Wednesday May 5. She did such a great job and we so enjoyed her final preschool performance. I can hardly believe school is out in about 3 weeks and than she is off to Kindergarden next fall! Man, before we know it, she'll be graduating high school. These are precious moments... precious times... and we are loving every minute. 

Ma's Birthday
It's been one of those months where I wonder where has the time gone? Life has been very busy- in a stressful, chaotic sort of way- but things are finally settling down and I can get back to blogging! The weekend of April 23, we traveled out to Phoenix for Mike's Grandma's 88th birthday party. They call her "Ma" and we haven't seen her in several years since she moved from California. It was a good weekend. It was so great to reconnect and see all of Mike's cousins and aunts/uncles who traveled from all over including Louisiana to be there. 
Maddie just loved Torie (Mikos' cousin) and Stacie's little girl Julia.

There seemed to be an abunant amount of flies in the backyard Saturday afternoon during the party and the boys found it quite entertaining to kill them. William and little Frankie figured out flies like trash cans. (kind of gross- I know)
William loved Aunt Norma's dog. I can not remember her name for the life of me right now but she was the cutest dog and William gave her lots of love all day.

Baby Lucas had his first swim adventure while we were there. Sonja had him all decked out in the cutest swim outfit and matching sunglasses. What a little stud. He loved the pool. Maddie and Wil had fun swimming too.
I love this picture...too cool for school.

The weekend was really only "good" because William got sick Saturday night at the party. I left at about 7:30pm when he was not cooling down after waking up from a nap. He ended up having a really high fever for the next 24 hours. I just hung out with him in the hotel room until we flew out Monday morning.
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